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B I A Courses

Basic Course: $45 / Session (4 sessions)
Intermediate Course: $45 / Session (3 sessions)
Advanced Course: $65 / Session (4 sessions

Our professional trainers will teach you the finer techniques for personal defense indoors and outdoors in three basic segments:



Here we teach you the fundamentals of shooting with a rimfire revolver and semi-automatic pistol. Safety comes first, and we will drill the fundamentals of safety with little emphasis on accuracy.  We will prepare you to be confident around firearms.  Course duration: 1.5 hours - $45.00 / session



The intermediate course (recommended within 2 weeks of finishing the Basic) is the next level.  You will be introduced to a centerfire revolver and semi-auto pistol.  Safety will remain the foundation.


The intermediate training will involve include a little more advanced techniques for control, presentation and accurate shooting of the handgun.


Fundamentals of Accurate shooting will be discussed. 
Duration: 2 hours - Cost: $350.00



The advanced course is an 4 hour course over a two periods of 2 hours each.  The two periods will be once a week for two consecutive weeks.  The two hour sessions will begin with a review of the fundamentals, drills to increase performance, finer tips for fast accurate shooting, selecting the "carry" firearm, appropriate concealment techniques, rapid presentation drills and dry fire drills for safe off-site practice.


Duration: 4 hours - Cost: $575.00 


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