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Personal Defense: Defense Pistol Course
3 Sessions
Cost: $400.00

Learn Defensive Pistol at our academy. Our training focuses on real-world scenarios, defensive tactics, and situational awareness. As As a civilian your firearm training is very different to that of 'operators'.  Learn defensive skills, responsible use of deadly force, and the law.  You will enhance your self-defense abilities, this course provides valuable insights and practical skills.

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Session 1 : 2.5 hours  (Basic handgun skills required)

 - Fundamentals of DFH (draw from holster) *

 - Selecting, using, dry training

 - Emergency Drills, Type 1 – 3 failures

 - Step off the 'X'

 - Developing speed

 - Programming neuro-muscular pathways 


Session 2 : 2.5 hours  Session 1 completion required *

 - What is Cover? What is Concealment?

 - Seeking Cover or Concealment

 - Shooting from Cover

 - Reload on the Move

 - Standing to Kneeling shooting


Session 3: 2.5 Hours  Sessions 1* & 2 required

 - Low Light – No Light conditions

 - Physiological Effects

 - Psychological Effects

 - Low-light Pistol manipulation

 - Methods of Flashlights use


New to Defensive Shooting?

Call us for an Introductory

or Certificated Course.


Limit –  8 shooters per session.

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